Halo 6 success?

There's been a lot of talk about halo 6. And what it needs to be successful. So many people are starting or from the start were and are disappointed with halo 5. And why is that you may ask, you may be saying," The game is awesome, it is perfectly fine".
Well guess what, IT'S NOT. Halo 5 is definitely epic, but it suffers from so much.
The campaign/story is 1 player only. The story line/campaign is rushed to where it was fun but got boring. There was no feeling between the characters and some of them would have been better to leave out.
The multiplayer is amazing, but Bungie forgot one thing, to remove ground pund and spartan charge from the game before release. Think about it, what do both of those remind you of?.... That's right, the Titan Striker Class from Deestiny.
They too so many awesome abilities away from the Halos before 5.
They should have brought back some sort of Flood into the Game. Halo 4 started to see the end of it.
I can go on and on but you probably don't have enough time to read it all. So I'll post some other stuff about at a later date.
Please let me know if these are good points or not. Thanks for Reading!


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